Kikuletwa Hotsprings Day Trip

Safari preview

Situated about 35 kilometers from Moshi, in the heart of the Sanya Plains, lie the Rundugai Springs. They are an extraordinary phenomenon, rushing up from underground in the middle of the parched and dusty landscape. Locally called Chemka, meaning boiling, this refers to the way in which the water appears to boil as it emerges from underground.


Situated about 35 kilometers from Moshi, in the heart of the Sanya Plains, lie the Rundugai Springs. They are an extraordinary phenomenon, rushing up from underground in the middle of the parched and dusty landscape. Locally called Chemka, meaning boiling, this refers to the way in which the water appears to boil as it emerges from underground.

In fact, the water is not hot rather it is luke warm. This is a good place to visit for a picnic and a swim too. And the views of Kilimanjaro on a clear day are also fabulous. The crystal-clear, turquoise waters surrounded by palm trees and winding roots offer a picturesque spot for a relaxing afternoon swim. The spring is actually rather big and over 6 meters deep in some places although you can see the bottom through the crystal clear waters no matter where you are. You can also wrap your arms around one of the roots and just let the water flow by as you drift off into a daydream listening to the monkeys and birds in the trees.

You will depart your hotel at around 1000hrs and head to the Rundugai springs. You will have the whole day to relax, swim and if you are lucky you might be able to catch the Blue Monkeys playing around in the trees or swim among the turtles found in the spring. After your day of relaxing, you will be transferred back to your hotel in Moshi.


. Unlimited mileage on game drives
• Exclusive 4x4 Land Cruiser, with top up roof
• Safari Driver guide
• National parks entry fee and tree top walk away fee
• All Meals and Accommodations as stated above
• Unlimited drinking mineral water during game drives
• Flexibility on day-to-day program
• Transfer to and from the airport
• Coffee and tea during safari


• Airport taxes
• Visa fees
• Travel, baggage or medical insurance
• Tip to driver guide, camp /lodge staff
• Flights
• Flying doctor service

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